Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Listening to: Nothing.

I watched the movie Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street with Brad, Shannon and Josie this past weekend. It was quite the musical, I must say. All in all, the overall feel of the movie was good and I always do enjoy a good Tim Burton flick.

The songs, no fault to the actors or director, just weren't really my cup of tea. None of them were as memorable as songs of other musical-esque films like Moulin Rouge or Rent. They did help move the story along, but in a strange "out-of-place" kind of way. It felt like the movie was split into two distinctive portions: song or movie.

I'm a bigger fan of when they are able to seamlessly blend the two.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:07 AM
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
RPG Lesson
Listening to: Nothing.

RPG Lesson from Alexander Shen on Vimeo.

Oh, the things I have learned!

In other news, I spent the evening working on vectorizing a piece of work for an old coworker of mine. In the following image, you can see the original pencil version and finalized vector version. I could've used something like "trace" to ultimately recreate the exact image, but I doubt that's what you'd want as a logo. *shrug*

Josie tripped a little kid the other weekend at the Metreon.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:07 AM
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
It Takes Two
Listening to: Nothing.

It Takes Two from Alexander Shen on Vimeo.

I had a run-in with myself the other day.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:46 AM
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Monday, January 14, 2008
The New Year
Listening to: John Mayer - Say

It has already been the new year for two weeks and this is the first new post of the year. It's not that I'm lazy, but rather there have just been things to occupy the time.

Namely hibernating.

Things at work and non-work have been going. They may not necessarily be smooth, but it's definitely something to keep things "interesting". A project is winding down at work while a new one is also starting (with a quite impossible schedule). Trying to get myself back in the drawing groove (outside of Mr. Goh).

Anyhow, remember to laugh everyday.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:01 PM
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