Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Bits and pieces updated...
Listening to: Dragon Quest String Quartet - Memories of a Lost World

I've gone and updated/fixed items over in the gallery and updated the store a bit. I just wanted to tidy up some things.

I can't help but fight the underlying feeling that this page I call a website is slowly falling apart from the inside out. It's like when the keel of a boat is shot to heck. As pretty as the outside is and as "good as you can repair" the boat, if the keel is lost then the whole boat is lost.

I just wonder how many cosmetic changes this thing can take before my computer melts into a pile of technological mush.

In other news, I'm swamped with freelance and getting the Little Woodbots ready for sale this Thursday. I don't foresee them flying off the shelves like hot cakes, but rather only until I release a "press release" to sites like or even

In the meantime, let's take a look at paint dry!

That's a lot of Shadow Bots.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:47 AM
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Ah, a little breathing room.
Listening to: The Fugees - Family Business

Hello everyone! I decided to go and do a little bit of edits to the website. Essentially, I gave myself a little more breathing room in all aspects of the site. I'm not sure if you notice, but there's even more space in between lines. I hope this is easier on everyone's eyes.

Anyway, what you see above is the comic that is attached to my NEWEST PAPER TOY! That's right! The newest paper toy is something I would rank as an "easy" paper toy to make. It's An'ry Bear, the angriest bear in the world. Click on the "Download .PDF" button to download the file or you can do so by clicking here.

Below are images for your viewin' pleasure.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 8:44 PM
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Listening to: Flight of the Conchords - Ladies of the World

Inspired by the song Ladies of the World by Flight of the Conchords, here is a "tasteful" image of a woman with her naughty bits all covered up.

I like 'em naked.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:54 AM
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Do I Know You?
Listening to: Flight of the Conchords - Think About It

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you say hello to someone that you know and they give you this response?

It almost feels like someone punching you in the ego with a bat made of fire.

Did it happen to me recently? Nope. I just thought it'd be interesting to draw.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:33 PM
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
Mr. Peterson
Listening to: Nothing.

I have an interesting story about the worst service I've ever experienced at a restaurant to tell you in a later blog post.

Crunch master!

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 10:42 PM
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bulldog Boss
Listening to: Mr. Peterson run around (dang cat).

This is the Bulldog Boss that will appear in one of the levels for Poot Poot 2: The Cheddar Scare. I haven't attached his "Hook of Doom" yet. It's essentially a rotating hook that will follow Poot Poot and then launch across the screen. It will leave behind blue electric bolts that if you touch you will die. It will also shoot out blue bullets for you to dodge.

While the hook is still connected to the Bulldog, it will not take damage from your bullets.

I've decided to upload the tiny "tech demo" that shows how Poot Poot flies, shoots and attacks certain enemies.

Arrow keys are to move, space is to shoot, R is to restart and ESC is to quit. Sorry, PC only.

Download: Poot Poot 2: Tech Demo

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:39 AM
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Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Poot Poot 2: Spinny Enemy
Listening to: Animal Crossing - 8 A.M. (Spring)

I've got an update for Poot Poot 2: The Cheddar Scare! I've created a new enemy (#2) for the game. It is essentially a Scottish Terrier sitting in a circular mechanical machine that will fly in, stop and start spinning around and doing a "spinner bullet hell". The bullets aren't very hard to avoid. He can take about 20 bullets before exploding.

The game plan, essentially, is creating all of the enemies and bosses first. Then creating a timeline that will initiate when these enemies pop out during the course of the level. Then I have to also make sure the level is being constructed properly. I mean, to be honest, we can't just have stars scrolling in the background for the entire time... or can we...?

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 10:19 AM
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Sunday, April 6, 2008
Mr. Peterson
Listening to: Smokey Robinson - Hey Jude

So I'm starting a new comic strip about my interactions as a super grumpy owner and my cat, Mr. Peterson. I'm contemplating on whether or not I should release it on a regular schedule or do a bunch first and then release it at once. We'll see.

In other news, I'm currently working on Poot Poot 2: The Cheddar Scare, a horizontal shmup like R-Type or Gradius. I was able to get the initial Poot Poot sprites created and a basic game engine of flying him around and shooting.

I even have some basic parallax scrolling going on with some enemies that fly in a sine wave motion (your classic "first enemy" in these games). I may consider a balance between upgrades on the fly and permanent upgrades you get by using "Moneys" that you pick up throughout the levels.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:48 PM
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Thursday, April 3, 2008
Let's compare, shall we?
Listening to: A secret mobile phone game.

I was surfing the internet earlier this year (yes, I had meant to make this blog post earlier this year) and I came across the cover to a new Jackie Chan film. Curious about it, I did a Google search for it and found the American version of the release.

The image displays the DVD covers for the same movie: Asia (left) and America (right).

I am deeply saddened.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:11 PM
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Mr. Peterson
Listening to: Nothing.

So my cat has started to learn how to be an asshole. Granted, he's about 9-10 months, which equates to about 12 years old or so in human years. You know, the type of children I hate the most. It's all, "Look at me! Look at me!" and knock some planters over so you can clean up the mess.

It seems like Mr. Peterson is slowly trying to wake me up one hour earlier everyday. He got me at 5:30am this morning. I'm seeing if I can train him to leave me alone until the alarm on my phone goes off (Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky). Basically if he wakes me up early, he goes into the bathroom with the phone next to the door. When the alarm goes off, the door opens.

He also decided to be a little jerk and run rampant through the apartment, including jumping on the television stand area and behind the television. I think he's trying to kill himself.

Maybe I should have gotten a cat with two legs, then it'd at least stay in one place.

Am I cut out for cat ownership?

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 8:47 AM
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy Joker Day (and a new game)!
Feeling: Stressed and tired.

Hello everyone and Happy Joker's Day!

I actually don't know much about April Fool's Day, but sure does. So yes, go play a safe practical joke on your friends and/or neighbors today. Make sure you avoid jokes like putting a posting on Craig's List that says, "I'm moving. Everything in my house is free," and giving your ex-girlfriend's address.

So, the new game I made is called Poot Poot. It's basically a very simple one-button game mechanic where you control Poot Poot, the lactose intolerant cat. His problem? He loves him some milk and cheese. Press the space bar and you gas your way upwards. Let go and you fall back to Earth. Collect dairy and avoid the dogs. Simple!

You can read more about it on the game page or you can download it by clicking on the image below:

Download Poot Poot!

In other news, I was surfing Yelp the other day and came across this one guy's profile page.

Don't feel bad for him, he was a jerk.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:36 AM
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