Sunday, August 30, 2009
These books are not the same.
Listening to: Maroon 5 - Back At Your Door

When I was visiting Josie's mother's home in Hawaii a few weeks ago, one thing I noticed were the stacks upon stacks of books everywhere. It's great to know that the woman is so well read. Upon nosily sifting through the towers of Stephanie Meyers books and True Blood novels, I found a copy of Eat, Pray, Love. I was pretty excited because I had this book in my "must read" list on as I'm a big fan of science related books.

Upon returning home and looking at the back of the book to refresh my memory of the contents within, I was disappointed to find out that this book wasn't on my list of "must read" books. I had gotten it confused with Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream.

The book I thought I brought back was about the science of what happens through your body on a standard day from why you feel hungry, what happens when you sleep and basically the science of you. The book I actually brought back was a retelling of a woman's journey of self discovery from her travels across the world and her divorce settlement, not to mention the pregnancy she didn't want.

Needless to say, the books were quite different.

I ended up rereading Naoki Urasawa's Monster, Vol. 1 instead.

But, seriously, you can see why I was confused, right?

Related Link: Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:02 PM
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Friday, August 28, 2009
Flipnote Hatena - Neato!
Listening to: Nothing.

So there's this free application on the Nintendo DSi called Flipnote Hatena. It's essentially a program that allows you to make fun animations on your DSi (with bundled "pencil on paper" sounds while you draw) and upload them to the Hatena website.

I downloaded it last night and played around for a little bit. I'll probably make a few more and forget about it like all the other applications I have on the system.

In addition to my fickle gaming behavior, I just got Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box in the mail and that's most likely going to be consuming my "free time" on the train and whatnot. It's one of the greatest series in the world, even if Shannon disagrees.

Related Link: Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 10:00 AM
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Airport Comic
Listening to: Genki Rockets - Heavenly Star

(click to see larger version)

This is a small interaction that happened at the airport on my trip to Hawaii. I found it to be so peculiar that I had to quickly illustrate it in my notebook. Luckily I still had some pages left in my sketchbook.

Apparently this woman, who was roughly six feet tall, found our brief exchange of words to be hilarious. Her boyfriend/fiance looked like he was seven feet tall and also found it to be equally humorous. I imagine their physical relations to be analogous to that of trees--respect the mighty redwood!


Releated Link: Genki Rockets Album (

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:20 PM
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My failure to place is your gain!
Eating: My poorly made onigiri for breakfast. Entry - Even Cartoons Shop Here from Alexander Shen on Vimeo. recently had a video contest which had users across the United States create a 30-second (or less) commercial for any of their products. The prize up for grabs was $10,000 in store credit, enough to get you that John Deere Tractor Comforter you've always wanted.

In any case, I didn't place so I am now able to share the video with the world. It was a dandy experience and my drawing hand went all "claw like" for a few days.

Related Link: Video Contest Finalists

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 9:23 AM
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Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hawaii Photo Set (Thanks Flickr!)
Listening to: What sounds like a GBA turning on.
AlexanderSShen's Hawaii - August 2009 photoset AlexanderSShen's Hawaii - August 2009 photoset

Here is a sampling of photos I took when in Hawaii. I'll probably upload more over the next few days. Have to sift through the mess.

Somewhat Related Link: Buy your own GBA!

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 5:50 PM
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The family that vacations together...
Listening to: Three fans on at once.

This is just a little photo montage that I put together from some photos (gasp!) that I took earlier today. Hope you enjoy!

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 1:10 AM
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Monday, August 17, 2009
Angry Asian Man mentions little 'ol me!
Listening to: Nothing.

Not being on the "mainland", as the folk here refer to the contiguous 48 states, has caused me to not be connected to the internet as much as I usually am. Internet here is actually wired via a guy on a telephone pole, yelling ones and zeroes across the ocean (hey Jeff, I used this joke twice now!).

Anyway, the influential blogger over at Angry Asian Man posted about my APAture fundraiser performance a month ago. It's a very wonderful feeling and I'm grateful I have fingers and hands.

Thanks Steve G. for the e-mail about it!

Related Link: Alexander Shen MySpace Music Page

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:43 PM
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Friday, August 14, 2009
Waiting at the airport.
Listening to: Good Eats on Food Network.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 8:15 PM
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Vacation - Day 1
Listening to: Nothing.

Made it to Hawaii in one piece. Way too tired to talk about anything today. Will most likely upload poorly shot photos tomorrow.

Good night, California.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 1:53 AM
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mamma Say No
Listening to: DJ Jazzy Jeff & Will Smith - Parents Just Don't Understand

Uploaded a new Irish Uppercut comic based on what I saw this past weekend at T.J. Maxx, discount clothes warehouse.

Josie and I were wandering around when I saw this girl run up with some "back to school" item. She yelled across the way to her mother about how cute the item was. Almost like an automatic response, the mother disagreed. I turned to look and noticed that the mother wasn't even looking.


Somewhat Related Link: Will Smith - Greatest Hits

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 6:42 AM
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Monday, August 10, 2009
Comic Monday: Robot in the City - 1-24
Listening to: Nothing.

The newest Robot in the City strip is now online.

I figure Mondays should be the days I upload at least one comic to the web, be it Robot in the City or anything else. Got to make sure the comic mind is up to date, fresh and always working. The gears always have to be turning, you know?

Of course you do. You're a computer. You know everything.

Related Link: Robot in the City Plushie

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:55 AM
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Sunday, August 9, 2009
Pants are Unnecessary
Listening to: Under the Influence of Giants - Ah Ha

There is no real context to this image. I was walking to the car with Josie and thought it would be funny if I walked around in underwear only because "pants are unnecessary". Then I decided to add Mr. Peterson into the foray because he's a cat and cat's don't usually wear pants.

I believe it's their motto.

Somewhat Related Link: Joybies Navy Blue Piddle Pants(tm) for Small Cats

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 5:40 PM
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Saturday, August 8, 2009
My cat's too loud.
Listening to: Nothing.

I would love to try this because, as noted previously, I'm a big jerk.

Related Link: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 1 & 2

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 1:00 PM
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Friday, August 7, 2009
Vampire Diaries - Race Against the Dawn
Listening to: Nothing.

I recently completed an advergame for The CW's new television show The Vampire Diaries. It's a quick hidden object affair that has you searching for Damon's missing ring by searching his memories. It seems like the United States is on the cusp of another vampire outbreak, like the one in the late 90s with the more intelligently written Interview with the Vampire.

Unfortunately, there won't be any "deflated tires" or "violins" to find in this particular hidden object game. However, you will be treated to a delicious 30 second spot when you finish! Beware of hot backs!

It was a pretty good experience and I have an engine now that will make it possible to do this again in a shorter amount of time.

Somewhat Related Link: Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition)

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 12:30 PM
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Thursday, August 6, 2009
CalTrain: Some people are ridiculous.
Listening to: Nothing.

On the train ride into work the other, I overheard this exchange between a non-paying individual and ticket checker/conductor. Honestly. Some individuals on this planet have the audacity to think that someone hassling them is a much bigger offense than the actual reason why they're being harassed in the first place: in this case, the man clearly did not purchase a ticket. He then proceeded to be angry about the fact that he was told he'd be cited for not having a ticket, which is the policy posted all over the train.

You don't get to ride this thing for free, buddy. The train doesn't run on good intentions.

Somewhat Related Link: The Simpsons "Hurricane Neddy" Quotes

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 7:45 AM
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ya! Ninja Turtles RULE!
Listening to: Nothing.

I got the opportunity to play the recently released Turtles in Time: Reshelled at lunch today with three co-workers. That means we were able to form an official Ninja Turtle coalition! It was pretty fantastic and the types of jokes that were shared were of the "man, I'm totally not 12 anymore" variety. All in all, after four levels, I'm not sure if I'd say it's a 800 point purchase ($10), but definitely worth demoing and playing for the sheer nostalgia of it all. They really did do a good job upscaling it for today's informed consumer (3D graphics, 2D gameplay, nice soundtrack and fun comic styled sound effects when you hit someone).

On a side note, the picture was done in Photoshop, but illustrated in the style of Microsoft Paint. I wanted to holler back to a simpler time when my mom would make me a box of Stove Top stuffing for dinner because we had nothing else to eat.

True story. A delicious, sodium enriched, true story.

Releated Link: Download "Turtles in Time RS" for Xbox360

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 1:40 PM
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Ninja Assassin - a movie about... NINJAS?
Listening to: Nothing.

I caught this trailer over at "I Watch Stuff" and was amazed at the fact that this wasn't going to be another sequel to the dominating American Ninja franchise. Color me all kinds of surprised!

The movie looks quite nice and it has something all of us can agree to enjoy: Asian accents.

I also find the "preview" image attached to the trailer (before that moment you hit the "Play" button) is hilarious. I find it surprising that a child that has been trained to be an assassin could ever look so dumbfounded. "BETRAYAL? IMPOSSIBLE."

Somewhat Related Link: Ninja Rubber Star Pack

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 5:36 PM
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Monday, August 3, 2009
Bioshock 2 - Big Sister Wallpaper
Listening to: Nothing.

For some strange reason, I had the urge to illustrate this Bioshock 2 - Big Sister Wallpaper all day. There aren't that many images of her on the internet right now, so it was kind of fun to fill in the gaps with what I imagined to be there. From what I've seen, it was probably another belt or metal part.

I realize that I really don't do nearly as much "pinup" art anymore. I never got into the print side of things because I always found myself in the comic strip medium, meddling around and causing all this trouble. I think this is something I have to look into since my doodles are essentially the layouts and drafts to some bigger "pinup" piece.

I also think it may have something to do with the fact that I'm slightly lazy. [scratches chin in curiosity and immediately stops because of losing interest in doing so]

Related Link: Per-Order Bioshock 2

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 11:28 PM
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Saturday, August 1, 2009
I'm engaged! Cartoon attached.
Listening to: Nothing.

I'm engaged! The ring's actually slightly bigger than a molecule of water. Watch out, Josie! You're a walking Mugger's Paradise.

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 9:53 PM
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Harry Potter Fan - Touch, okay?
Listening to: Nothing.

I guess Ron is kinda cool. [crosses arms across chest in disapproving manner]

Thanks Tokyo Mango!

posted by Mr. Alexander Shen @ 5:58 PM
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